I am 49 years old and have four children. My father has Parkinson’s , my mother in law has auto immune issues. They have chosen to get the vaccine and I support their decision. I did not try to dissuade their choice. Anyone that trusts vaccines and fears getting COVID and having issues, should get the vaccine. I would have preferred they waited at least 6 months, but all family that has received the vaccine, appears to not have had any issues or complications.
I believe my family had COVID in February. Mine started with a tickle/scratch in my throat then a restless night with a slight fever. The next 3-4 days I constantly had the chills and my skin ached from having a fever off and on. I have absolutely been sicker in my life but overall it was a virus and my body fought it off. My 8 year old never had any symptoms, my 10 year old had the chills for two days but never registered a fever. My two teenagers felt “off” but no real symptoms. My husband got it about 5 days after myself. He had a fever for about 2-3 days, never above 101. I do believe I lost 85% of my smell. I am very sensitive to the smell of vinegar and I could put my nose right in the container and only faintly smell something, normally I cannot have my nose near the opening without a burning sensation. Do I normally lose smell with any normal cold? I don’t know, its not something I’ve ever been aware of to track. Perhaps this is completely normal.
We have an 11 1/2 year old big dog with failing health. Lets just say that he has extremely bad gas quite often. He still goes with us when we travel on weekends and its not unusual to have to drop the windows multiple times in an hour drive to get much needed fresh air! My daughter in the back seat kept dropping the windows and saying how do you not smell that?!? That is how I knew I had lost smell, lets just say that was a benefit to having COVID. I started opening my cinnamon everyday and attempting to smell it. I could just faintly smell it. Losing my smell did concern me, but it is now about 2 months since I was sick and I can definitely smell vinegar at its full strength! I will now be curious the next time I get a normal head cold to see if I have always lost smell to some degree with a coronavirus. As far as taste, I believe I did have taste still and wanted to eat but there were a few times that I couldn’t squelch a hunger for something. I do think this was related to the lack of smell and the correlation between smell and taste.
My reasons are many as to why I have no plans to get the vaccine and absolutely do not want my children to get it. Probably the first reason is that I am not scared of COVID 19 as the media wants us to be and portrays positive cases as equivalent to people dying. I am a healthy woman and believe I have already had it anyway. I am considering getting an antibody blood test to prove to myself that I have or have not had it. If in fact I have the antibodies, I believe this to be even more potent than any vaccine antibodies. The news today is saying the vaccine is probably only valid for 6 months! I do not get the flu shot and refuse to start thinking I need yet another annual vaccine to save myself or others. I am only responsible for my own health and my children’s health to the best of my ability. What new cancer is going to be on the rise in years to come from all this hand sanitizer usage and new vaccines?
My list of why I’m not getting the vaccine:
- I trust no information being given by the news
- My governor nor any government entity knows my health or what is best for me
- If I was truly afraid of COVID, I would be running to line up for the vaccine. Our government’s job should be to ensure that anyone who wants the vaccine has the ability to get it. (PERIOD)
- I fear any potential side effect of the vaccine more than getting COVID
- I fear we are giving the government too much power with this vaccine card. I don’t want to live in a world where I have to show a card to live my life
- The flu and the common cold is a virus that is a pandemic (present in all countries and continents). Yes, COVID is a pandemic but it is not as deadly as we are led to believe. There will be a truly deadly pandemic someday and that is what I fear. I encourage you to look up total deaths per year in the US in the past 10 years. COVID is not as deadly as portrayed. I say this with full empathy to anyone that has lost a loved one recently.
My oldest daughter is in college and is on track for pre med. She is of age to make her own decisions but I am constantly feeding her information so she will make an informed decision. As much as I want her to be a doctor, I am very afraid of how many vaccines she will feel forced to get over the coming years. This is wrong. Doctors and nurses should have control of their own bodies as should all humans. I give kudos to college students starting to take a stand against constant COVID testing, etc. It will probably take our young to make a stand.
Future topics to come:
Why I am an “unawoke” woman
Raising a teenager with tech and drugs all around
Dealing with an old dog with congested heart failure
Lack of Employees but many jobs available
And many more …… I’m also a foodie and have been working on my version of the ultimate brownie
Take care, stay informed and take action!
Unwoke Woman